Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Basket to the Rescue!

I am not sure about you, but I used to carry all of my knitting projects in individual paper bags, and I would take these bags with me from one room to another. But I didn't find these bags easy to work with. I mean, come on! I had to take everything out of the bag, knit a few rows, put everything back, and take the bag with me to knit night or wherever. Gosh! So much work... into the bag, out of the bag... 

Not anymore! I got a solution. Check out this basket! 

I prefer rectangle baskets, I think items fit better in them.  

This basket has everything I am working on at the moment, and when I am done knitting I just put my knitting back down in the basket! Ha! So easy right?! Now if I am going somewhere the next day I just take the basket with me. Now that's what I call knitting on the go! 

Where and how do you store your current knitting projects? I would love to know. 

By the way, do you see that blue/grey sweater in the basket!? That's another finished baby vest. I will post more pictures of it another day. 


Jennifer said...

Baskets are a great idea, I'll have to try that! I use a wire basket from the Container store and try to incorporate my yarn collection as decor in the living room.

Maryse said...

It sure makes for a beautiful picture as well! I put my knitting in a newspaper/magazine rack (not sure what the term would be) in my living room. Then, I put them in a knitting bag for knit night. I vary the bags ;-) The little baby vest looks really pretty!