Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spring is Around the Corner

I love seeing little surprises in my backyard. It's like a treasure box, I find something new popping out everyday... amazing!

Allow me to give you a tour of my backyard at this point in time...

 I absolutely love my Cherry Blossom.  I think it's my favorite tree ever! I love everything about it; the color, volume, size.... what a beauty. 
My pomegranate tree is budding. Maybe it will finally yield something this year?

Does anyone know what this is, maybe tulips? It's popping out all over the place.  
Again, no clue what this is, but I never paid attention to this "bush" looking thing until today. It's flowering! Wow... 


Maryse said...

Wow! I can't believe that your background is looking like this when we had 5 inches of snow yesterday! Enjoy!

Kristen Rettig said...

Hi Sue, picture 3 is probably iris and 4 is probably jasmine. But pretty by any name! Too bad I didn't know you were going to Stitches. We could have finally met! Did you buy anything?

Karen said...

Thanks for the picture of the cherry blossoms. I loved them on a quick walk on Wed. and never got back to take a picture. As Kristen said, I think #3 is iris, looks exactly like mine do (in a couple months.) Don't know what's in the middle though!